Below is a list of some of our clients who are seeking contacts in the area of the GCC states. If you are interested, we ask you to send us an e-mail message, which we will then forward.
Should you wish to get into contact with certain companies we will be glad arrange this for you.
As we are an active commercial enterprise we are member of various trade associations such as the Bavaria Cluster Network: Automotive, Aerospace,
Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Medical Engineering ......
1. Affordable houses systems by Herman technology. Cast in situ-more than 40,000 been built in many countries.
2. "Blue System", with house waste, industrial waste, special wast make electrical power - make fresh water too.
Not burning the wast, it is a special patented system with "broken down in single molecules".
If you need this prospect, please send us an E-Mail. We have the direct contact to the patent owner.
3. Innovative soil stabilization systems (roads). by German technology. Money and time saving. References in many countries.
4. Water hygiene (desinfection) without any chemicals
- Patented technology
- Drinking water purification
- Industrial water purification
- Legionella prevention